Watch the videos below to get to know real people living with lupus as they share what they've learned about managing the disease.

“You need to work hand in hand with lupus. It is a team of three: you, your doctor, and lupus.”

Watch Miriam’s story

“You’re not alone. You have a whole community to support you. Stay stress free and fight on.”

Watch Kia’s story

“I am my best advocate. I take notes, ask questions, and research, so I am very involved in my treatment care.”

Watch Curtisha’s story

“It wasn’t until a week, two weeks after the ordeal, that I could feel appreciative and not afraid anymore.”

Watch Veronica’s story

“Sometimes the organ damage is silent. Conducting all screenings needed is really important.”

Watch their conversation

Small changes,
and the butterfly effect

We asked those living with lupus: “What is one small change you’ve made that has had a butterfly effect on your life?”

Your voice matters

It’s never too early to understand more about your condition including how to reduce the risk of organ damage. Here are some important topics to discuss following a diagnosis of lupus.

Get ready to talk
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